Wednesday, November 17, 2010

#65 - Donate blood.

Tommy and I donated blood today at our school! I love donating blood, because I love the idea of being able to really help somebody by doing something so simple, and giving of something that I've got plenty of! And needles don't really scare me, so it's not a big deal. I had to convince Tommy to come with me, and gave him a supportive pep talk when we got to the building and the beds and nurses and needles were all out. He was really brave...haha, he just doesn't like needles if it's not a life-or-death situation, like most normal people. But he was a trooper, and went with me!

We're good citizens!
I usually get deferred because my iron level is too low...but not this time!!! I was a 12.6 on the iron scale. The cutoff is 12. So I barely made it! Tommy was 16 or he made fun of me!! But I didn't care.

Then (like always) the needle missed my vein! Or, "the vein moved honey, sorry, let's try to find it again." It's a big ol' needle, people!! She was a really nice nurse lady though and didn't mean too, but MAN it hurt! They've gotta move the needle around to get it inside the vein again or the blood will drain in your arm or something...ouch!! I'll admit, I was about to be a baby and cry. It always happens to me, though, I've got small, transient veins, so it's not the nurses fault!! Afterward, Tommy and I went home and took 4 hour naps. Ha!

I was too busy getting poked to take a picture...but here's an after picture with our "I Made a Difference!" stickers! I look really bad...but this was the best take of 5. And p.s. I'm on my tiptoes, Tommy's really taller than me. I feel like I need to clarify that.

We survived!

Everyone go donate blood! You can save up to 3 lives with one donation, and it only takes 15 minutes and two pricks...unless you're like me, and then it'll take an extra 5 minutes of surgery. But it is very gratifying - for yourself and for the people you help.

Look for your nearest blood donation event at

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