Friday, October 15, 2010

Coming soon!

I'm writing my list right now - and when Tommy comes home from work, I'm going to make him do the same!

Life is too short to not have a bucket list, you know? One that you can work on every day, instead of putting it off and letting even a day go by without making something out of it, something you're proud of and you'll look back on and smile. Too often I find myself sitting around, "doing nothing", and not getting out into the world - helping people, helping myself.

That ends today! I'm looking forward to these 2.7369863 years!

1 comment:

  1. It's Melissa, Katie's friend!! I'm so pleased to see your 99 list is already complete and you're already gettin started! It's so much fun crossing things off the list, and having my list has made this year immeasurably more enjoyable! I'm "following" yours now, feel free to follow mine- and I will add your blog to my other list of 99'ers so others may see it and become inspired as you have!
